PAX Prime is happening in just two days (and some change)! As always, passes sold out shortly after going on sale. It's not unlikely that you were unable to get passes to Seattle's best known gaming festival. If you're in the Seattle area this weekend but don't have a pass (or only have a pass for a day or two) there's no reason you should be left out in the cold. Don't bother with the scalpers, most of those passes are counterfeit anyway; check out some of the other events happening around PAX. Here's a short list to get you started.

Fan Gamer ♥ Attract Mode: Saturday, Aug 30th. 7:00 PM-12:00 AM @ 1927 Events, 1927 3rd Ave, Seattle, Washington 98101. This third annual event is a collective of gaming / geek culture. It features great music from bands like the
Super Soul Bros, game-themed art from a wide variety of artists, as well as some really interesting games and great drinks mixed by Geek & Sundry's own cocktail specialist,
Mitch Hutts. Did I mention they'll have
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime? This has been a really unique experience every year. The atmosphere is a little toned down from the fervor of PAX, but it still has that sense of community and camaraderie. If you're more at home in a gallery space than a crowded Expo hall, this one is for you.

Super Burlesque World: Sunday, Aug 31st. 7:30 PM 18+, 9:30 PM 21+ @ The Can Can Cabaret, 94 Pike Street, Seattle, WA 98101. If you're up for something a little more adult, I suggest you check out this game-themed Burlesque show in the Pike Place Market. If you think I'm inviting you to spend the evening in a strip club, you've got entirely the wrong idea. Burlesque is less about the lack of clothing and more about the theatricality of the act. Think more tease and fun. You won't go stuffing singles into Mario's or Princess Peach's underwear, and if you try, you'll find yourself tossed out on your ear. It's an erotic stage show all centered around games. The evening promises to be fun, cheeky and very risque.

Seattle Indies Expo 2014: Monday, Sept 1st. 10:00 AM-6 PM @ Melrose Market Studios, 1532 Minor Avenue Seattle, WA 98101. If you're a fan of indie games, this is the perfect close to your long weekend. The Seattle Indies Expo features some of the best indie games out there, all showcased by their creators. Admission is free, so there is no excuse to miss out. This year you'll be able to play a number of games, like the incredible
Crawl, from Powerhoof, and
Tumblestone, the latest game from the creators of the Bridge. This is a rare opportunity to talk to indie developers about their games and get your hands on their work before it's released.

MC Frontalot: Monday, Sept 1st. 8:00 PM (doors open at 7:00 PM) @ El Corazón, 109 Eastlake Ave E Seattle, WA 98109. If there is one thing that every PAX attendee should see, it's the concerts. Few things come close to distilling the energy of the festival more than a crowd full of roaring nerds, jumping and singing to the music. On Monday night, one of the most recognizable PAX concert alumni is playing just half a mile from the Convention center. Frontalot has become the bespectacled face of Nerdcore hip hop. After seeing his show, it's easy to understand why.